
How To Retire Your American Flag

by | Oct 24, 2023 | News

Flying an American flag is a great way to display your patriotism. But overtime your flag is exposed to wind, rain, varying temperatures and other natural elements that cause wear and tear. So, how do you know when it’s time to retire your American Flag?

According to the American Flag Code, when your flag is, “No longer a fiting emblem for display,” is when it’s ready to retire. In this blog we are going to discuss the proper ways to retire your flag. If you’re ready to purchase a new American flag made in the USA, contact the ND Flag Pole Guy; we have a selection of all different sized flags to fit your needs.

Call The VFW Or American Legion

Whether you decide to call the VFW or The American Legion, you will be ensuring that your flag is retired correctly, with the proper ceremony. These groups are made up of American veterans and they understand first-hand why respect for our flag is so important. You won’t find a more qualified group of people to give your flag the send off it deserves.

Conduct Your Own Flag Burning Ceremony

Conducting your own flag retirement ceremony will take some research and extra work, but in the end it will be worth it to have your flag retired the proper way. If you choose to take on this responsibility yourself, you must have time and patience to ensure that your flag is retired with care. Requirements for flag burning include that the ceremony should be conducted with dignity and respect, and that the flag must be burned completely to ashes.

Retiring your flag yourself is not for everyone. If you are unsure if you can properly carry out this ceremony, try contacting the ND Flag Pole Guy. You can simply send your flag in to us in the provided box, and we will retire it with dignity.

Follow An Approved Recycling Technique

The idea behind recycling your flag is that once it is cut up, it’s technically no longer a flag. There are specific guidelines that must be followed, and you especially cannot cut through the blue star field. This is not a traditional option, and is considered less ceremonial. However, not everyone has the space for a proper ceremony and flag burning, so this another option that will allow you to properly retire your flag.

Utilize the “Flag Over Vets” Program Offered By the ND Flag Pole Guy

This option is by far the easiest. Your flag is worn and ready to be retired, so besides actually retiring it, what else are you ready to do? Purchase a new American Flag made right here in the USA! When you purchase a new American flag from the ND Flag Pole Guy, let us know you are interested in participating in this program, and we will send you a return box for your old flag, with postage included.

There is not a more convenient way to get yourself a new American flag and retire your old one at the same time. You can take comfort in knowing that your old flag was given the proper ceremony, without having to light a fire. Contact the ND Flag Pole Guy today to buy your new American flag made in the USA.